Custom bitcoins
Custom bitcoins settings overview
Config.custombtcvaluemin Minimum value for 1 btc to cash exchange . Config.custombtcvaluemax Maximum value for 1 btc to cash exchange. Config.custombtcminvaluerange Minimum cash range to go up or down in value. Config.custombtcmaxvlauerange Maximum cash range to go up or down in value. Config.custombtcrangedivisor Cash value divisor. Config.custombtcdirection Rate for the direction of value to go up or down (ex. 0.3 = 30% down \ 60% up). Config.custombtcboosrate Rate for the value boost to succeed (ex. 0.05 = 5%). Config.custombtcboostdirection Rate for the direction of boost value to go up or down (ex. 0.6 = 60% down \ 40% up). Config.custombtcboostamountmin Minimum added cash value when boost succeeded. Config.custombtcboostamountmax Maximum added cash value when boost succeeded. Config.custombtcboostwait Waiting time in milliseconds before trying a new boost ( ex. 10.000 ms = 10 Sec)
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