Config.outofstockupdate =43200-- Seconds before setting out of stock in e-drugs bussines (43200 sec. = 12 Hour)Config.edrugsincome =0.000002-- Bitcoins Income multiplied by level divided by divisorConfig.edrugsincometime =1-- Seconds before adding bitcoins income to players that have e-drugs businessConfig.edrugsmaxlevel =10-- Max e-drugs business levelConfig.edrugslevelupcost =0.45-- Cost in bitcoins to level up e-drugs business multiplied by business levelConfig.restockedrugs =0.000450-- Cost in bitcoins to restock e-drugs business multiplied by business level divided by divisorConfig.edrugsincomedivisor =1-- e-drugs divisorConfig.restocknotifytxt ='Out of stock! E-drugs income is temporarily disabled.'Config.restocksuccesstxt ='E-drugs restocked successfully. Hourly income is active again!'Config.restocknotemptytxt ='Stock is not empty. Unable to restock.'Config.restockbtclow ='Not enough bitcoins to restock the E-drugs.'